Today’s families are busy, but we think it’s time to make coming together around the dinner table a priority. We understand keeping up with schedules that include work, school, extra-curricular activities, athletics, and everything else that tends to get in the way is difficult. But what if you could revisit the days before life got so busy? Butcher Boy has all the ingredients for making meal planning easy so you’re making the most of time with your loved ones.

While a standard Sunday dinner together would be wonderful, perhaps there’s an alternative if that doesn’t work for you. Make it Friday evening instead, when everyone is ready to wind down from the week. Or perhaps Sunday brunch before it’s time to rev up for the week ahead. Saturday morning breakfast might be the best time for some families to reconnect before diving into a weekend of errands and soccer games schedules.

Include the kids in planning your time together. Let them help set the menu, set the table, even help with simple cooking and prepping tasks. That includes the clean-up, too. Clearing the table and doing the dishes should be a family affair.

Unplug during mealtime. Turn off the television, put away the smart phones, and focus on family conversation. Everyone is more likely to relax over a good meal, and it’s a great chance to listen to the kids talk about their days.

Traditions aren’t strictly for holidays. Establish some regular rituals and routines in weekly family time. Play a game, take a walk together, or watch a movie after dinner. Let everyone in the family take turns deciding what the dessert will be. The simplest tradition might be preparing the same entrée, if it’s something everyone looks forward to and counts on – Sunday steak night, perhaps.

If the goal is to maximize family time, make it easy on yourself by shopping at Butcher Boy. Let our staff help you choose just the right cut of beef and offer tips on how to prepare it. Choose from a variety of marinades perfect for pork and chicken. If breakfast is on the menu, we offer farm fresh eggs in our grocery and locally grown fruits. Visit Butcher Boy’s bakery for a selection of pastries, cakes and pies to satisfy your family’s sweet tooth. And don’t worry that having to cook will keep you tied up in the kitchen all day or evening. We have prepared entrees, sides, salads, soups, and much more, all ready to eat.

A staple in the Merrimack Valley since 1955, Butcher Boy knows the importance of family, and we want to be part of what brings your family together. Tell us what favorite foods bring you to the table, and share your traditions with us!