meal prep

Back to school means back to busy routines that might make you wish there were more hours in the day. No more leisurely dinners after work or time to even prepare a good meal without watching the clock. But in between the after-school activities, sports, and homework demands, it is possible to enjoy dinner on the run. We’ve got some ideas for meals you can prep ahead of time to make weeknight dinners simple as your family gets back into the school year routine – even if you have to eat it in the car.

1) Buy rotisserie chickens on Sunday and cut it up for the week. Use the meat for sandwiches, toss it into salads, or make quick quesadillas.

2) Roast and sauté enough vegetables to last a few days. At Butcher Boy, we even have chopped veggies to make it easier on you. Mix them into some of that rotisserie chicken, pasta, or use them as side dishes with different main courses.

3) You can also get in your daily servings of vegetables by prepping and portioning some fixings for salads that you can pull out of the fridge for eating at home or packing it to go. We have your favorite lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots and other produce available.

4) If you have time to fire up the grill over the weekend, cook a lot of chicken and beef at once. You’ll have it ready to make several different meals and you can give each one a new taste by using our various marinades. Or grill a London broil large enough for two dinners. Use any leftovers to make tacos, sandwiches, and wraps.

5) The Crock Pot isn’t just for cold weather comfort food. Slow cooking is a great way to prepare a meal ready to eat any time you walk in the door. Serve it in heat resistant containers the kids can take along to practice or lessons, or eat as a family if it’s not too late when the day is done. Try one of our pork roasts or brisket, which you can shred for easy barbeque sandwiches.

6) When you just need a snack, hard boiled eggs are a great protein on the go, and pre-cut fruit or raw veggies can take the edge off until you get home for dinner.

With a bit of planning, you can survive the transition from summer to fall. For the rare night the game is rained out or you just happen to be unscheduled, be sure to visit our wine aisle and pick out a bottle to enjoy at home. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Pinterest for more tips and resources you need.