It’s a difficult year for celebrating special occasions and holidays. At the same time, while we can’t gather in person for parties, dinners, or nights out on the town, those reasons t
o celebrate are more important than ever. We’re appreciating our friends and loved ones, showing gratitude, and giving back where we are able to. Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and the current circumstances mean you may have to be a bit more creative than usual to convey your love – but it’s welcome now more than ever.
For the mothers, aunts, sisters, daughters, and grandmothers who don’t live with you, a drive-by visit has become a popular way to acknowledge a special day. Decorate your car with signs, paper flowers, streamers, or glass markers, and caravan to the house with other relatives to make it a Mother’s Day parade. Florists are still available to take online orders – if mom is comfortable accepting a delivery, pick out a beautiful bouquet that will bring some color to the weekend.
Bring a homemade lunch or dinner that you can drop off at the door or share outdoors if you’re able to arrange seating at an appropriate physical distance. Consider supporting a local restaurant or catering company and buying takeout for Mom so she doesn’t have to cook that day. Meals often include dessert and even wine is available for pick-up or delivery in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
If your mother is farther away than a quick drive and you can’t visit for the weekend as you usually do, a video chat is a nice step up from a phone call. Gather the extended family to schedule a group video call through Zoom or FaceTime.
Staying home doesn’t mean Mom has to go without gifts. Have the kids create homemade cards. Local spas and salons eventually will be back open. Check the website for the one she frequents and buy a gift card she can use when the time comes. The same goes for her favorite restaurant. Want to give Mom something she can enjoy now? Put together a gift basket full of personal care products for home manicures, facials, and luxurious baths. Throw in a book she’s never had time to read before now or a game that would be fun to play with the family – there are great virtual games online for groups here.
If the mother you live with is an essential worker who has been putting in long hours, show some extra love every day – making dinner, lighting candles, even just leaving her to watch her favorite Netflix show by herself when she gets home.
We’re proud to be open to serve you at Butcher Boy, with some specific guidelines. In one trip, you can pick up the ingredients for your next homemade meal, cold prepared foods, something special from our butchers, beer, wine, spirits, and even dessert.